Master of Social Work (MSW)

Join 澳门水利博彩官方网站's Innovative Abolitionist MSW

阿尔维诺在线社会工作硕士(MSW)课程是好奇心的促进者, power analysis, ingenuity and healing. The program, open to all genders, offers a 全面的经验不仅会促进你的职业发展, 但它也会帮助你继续走一条有回报和目标的职业道路.

You'll be prepared for advanced, global social work practice 并准备好挑战现有的压迫性制度, 推进社会正义,促进集体正义 good. Full-time and part-time options conclude in eligibility to apply for your Advanced Practice Social Work (APSW) licensure.

澳门水利博彩官方网站 MSW Fast Facts

  • Program format is online plus in-person practicum(s).
  • Program length:
    • Two years for full-time students
    • 高级课程选择:从cswe认可的课程中获得社会工作学士学位(BSW)的学生在一年内完成
    • Part-time option available
  • Advanced Practice Social Work (ASPW) licensure eligibility upon graduation
  • Additional certification options 药物滥用咨询(SAC)、酒精和其他药物滥用(AODA)和恢复性司法
  • Requirements to apply 有任何领域的学士学位和对社会正义的热情吗
Woman taking an online course at home

Program Overview

我们的课程致力于培养具有同情心和批判性视角的新一代变革推动者. With a focus on challenging oppressive power dynamics, 学生们学会面对和拆除伤害系统, 包括白人至上主义和黑人结构. The program emphasizes addressing root causes of injustice 比如贫困、种族主义和创伤,而不仅仅是个人问题.

通过以社区为导向的方法,我们培养倡导的社会工作者 genuine equality and empowerment, refusing complicity in oppressive hierarchies. Our 承诺超越了表面层面的解决方案, 致力于变革,提升全球社区. 我们承认正在进行的争取真正解放的斗争,并强调 collective responsibility in 设想一个人人享有人权的未来.

加入我们,通过有意义的干预措施重塑社会工作的面貌, shifting systems, 为每个人创造发展的机会.

Joicenina, Social Work Student

阿尔维诺鼓励我以开放的眼光看待每件事,并全面地对待每件事,为我的职业成功做好了准备. 我有信心和工具去帮助有需要的人.

Courses, Certification and Licensure

Courses will be formatted with both synchronous and asynchronous activities 促进同学之间的联系,同时允许灵活地适应你的 lifestyle. Course topics include systems of oppression, organizing for change, social work towards abolition, addiction and substance abuse, trauma healing interventions and more.

该计划将侧重于批评医学逻辑,并为学生提供一个 恢复到变革实践证书. You‘ll also have the 有机会在以下领域获得认证 Substance Abuse Counseling (SAC) and Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA).


The 澳门水利博彩官方网站 Difference

澳门水利博彩官方网站’s student-centered courses 优先考虑你独特的需求、表达方式、能力和知识. You’ll thrive in small classes led by dedicated faculty mentors 谁有丰富的社会工作经验,并将亲自指导你完成你的课程.

In our empowering, supportive environment, 你不仅会学到理论,你还会沉浸在点燃你创造激情的经历中 positive societal change.

通过协作决策和分担责任,你会 与同学和老师建立联系,都有一个共同的目标:影响现实世界, collective healing.

What is abolition?

Abolition seeks to build the kinds of support, safety, accountability, protection, 正义创造了刑事定罪之外的选择. Abolitionist Ruth 威尔逊·吉尔摩澄清说:“废除是存在,而不是缺席. It’s about building life-affirming institutions."通过创造性的集体治疗,想象力和 转型,我们梦想并建立一个超越现实状态的世界. 而不是维护我们已有的制度, 社会工作者必须为我们所追求的未来教育和训练自己 to build. 我们相信废除社会工作是我们深深持有的价值观的实现, the future of our profession, 以及我们建设一个更美好世界所需的框架.

Funding Your Education

56 credits  |  $866 per credit hour

Opportunities for Financial Aid
Tuition Reimbursement
  • 你的雇主可能会报销学费,把你的成本降到最低. Ask your HR department if you are eligible.
Payment Plans
  • 我们将与您一起制定符合您预算的付款计划.
Email or call 414-382-6262 to discuss funding your education.

MSW Quick Links

Accreditation Information


获得美国社会工作协会颁发的社会工作学士学位或硕士学位的资格表明,该学院在达到通过同行评审评估的项目质量标准方面取得了进展 accreditation process. 获得候选资格的课程已经证明了对满足教育政策和认证标准(EPAS)设定的标准的承诺,但是 has not yet demonstrated full compliance.

在被授予候选资格的学年的秋季(或更晚)被录取的学生将被追溯承认为毕业生 只要该项目获得初步认证,就可以从CSWE-BOA认证项目中获得认证. 候选资格通常是一个3年的过程,获得候选资格并不能保证一个项目将会 eventually attain initial accreditation.



Review our program’s candidacy status in CSWE’s Directory of Accredited Programs. For more 有关社会工作认证的信息,澳门水利博彩官方网站 CSWE’s Department of Social Work Accreditation.